Costa Rica

The year in Costa Rica. 2002


The Trip Down

I went to Costa Rica in February 2002 with Craig and Joel. We basically decided to take a trip and see what happened. We knew a guy (Eric) that lived down there. He invited us down for as long as we wanted. We planned to fly down. Then, Eric said that a car would be a good thing to have, also some friends that we had met in Thailand were going to be in Cancun about the same time we'd be leaving. So.... we were driving.

It took 7 days to get down to Cancun. We happened to arrive during
Canada's Spring Break. Upon arriving we got an email from a friend in LA saying that he had just won the lottery. The girls we were meeting were on Isla Mujeres, a small island about 20 minutes away. We waited for Mike for 3 days, and took advantage of spring break. We never saw the sun. Mike came, we went out one more time in Cancun then headed to the island for a few days of relaxation with our friends. It was great, I didn't want to leave that place.
by the way... Mike met a girl on the island whom he is engaged to and living with in Minnesota
It took us 7 more days to get down to Costa Rica after driving through Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua. The drive was quite an experience.

All in all the trip was 3 weeks. We saw the barren desert of northern Mexico, bribed the 16 year old federalies with Playboys, circled around Mexico City 3x before finding our way out, saw some Mayan ruins on the Yucatan, partied in Cancun, chilled in Isla Mujeres, got stuck and slept at the borders of El Salvador and Honduras, got stopped by the police in Nicaragua city, had our car breakdown numerous times but we finally made it to Costa Rica in one piece.
What a trip!!!!


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