Costa Rica

The year in Costa Rica. 2002


The Beginning

Our original plan was to get to Costa Rica and then make any decisions like where to live, what to do, how long to stay etc.

First, we wanted to chill and see the city and take a few trips around the country to see what there was. The first weekend we headed off to Tamarindo. There was a surf tournament and concert. It was a crazy welcoming to the country.

The next few weeks we hung out in San Jose at Eric`s. We were waiting for a job to open up at the sports book where Eric worked. In the meantime, we studied our spanish. Although we all took years of classes, none of us could put a sentence together or hold any form of conversation. Luckily, next door to Eric lived 2 Colombianas that also didn`t have a job and couldn`t speak a word of english. After a few weeks of working on our communication skills and getting accustomed to the tranquilo way of life, we got a job as bookies at Eric`s company.

Around this time, Joel realized he wasn`t cut out for this kind of life, so he headed home. Craig and I got settled in with our jobs. Our spanish was picking up and we were feeling comfortable in this new country.


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